Derivative of y = 3 ^ (4x + 1) The process I forgot to do it several times

Derivative of y = 3 ^ (4x + 1) The process I forgot to do it several times

So y '= 3 ^ (4x + 1) * Ln3 * (4x + 1)'

Given that y = FX is an odd function defined on R, when x is greater than 0, FX = the square of X - 3x + 2, then FX=

F (x) is an odd function on R: F (- x) = - f (x), f (0) = 0
So: X & lt; 0, f (x) = - x ^ 2-3x-2
  f(x)= { 0,            x=0

Find the n-order derivative of function y = (4x ^ 2 + x) / (1-x-2x ^ 2)

y=(4x^2+x)/(1-x-2x^2)=(4x^2+2x-2-x+2)/(1-x-2x^2)=-2+(x-2)/(x+1)(2x-1)=-2+1/(x+1)-1/(2x-1)∴y'=-1/(x+1)^2+2/(2x-1)^2y''=2/(x+1)^3-2*4/(2x-1)^2……………… Y (n order) = (- 1) ^ n * n! / (x + 1) ^ (n + 1) - (- 2) ^ n * n! / (2