Calculation: 3x & sup2; * (- 2XY & sup3;) = (); (3x-1) (2x + 1) = ()

Calculation: 3x & sup2; * (- 2XY & sup3;) = (); (3x-1) (2x + 1) = ()

3x²*(-2xy³)= -6x³y³
(3x-1)(2x+1)= 6x²+x-1

(- 2XY & sup2;) & sup3; multiply by (3x & sup2; y) & sup2; + 4x & sup3; Y & sup2; multiply by the fourth power of 18x and the sixth power of Y

(- 2XY & sup2;) & sup3; multiply by (3x & sup2; y) & sup2; + 4x & sup3; Y & sup2; multiply by the fourth power of 18x and the sixth power of Y
^Denotes power