Quadratic equation of one variable 2X square + root sign 3 x = 3 use formula method to solve speed

Quadratic equation of one variable 2X square + root sign 3 x = 3 use formula method to solve speed

The solution is: x = √ 3 / 2, x = - √ 3
As soon as you see your question, you can answer it quickly. Ha ha, the formula is to divide the quadratic term into 2x and X, and the constant term into - √ 3 and √ 3. If you don't know anything, you can continue to ask me, and I will try my best to answer it for you

Quadratic equation of one variable
Prove that (x-1) (X-2) = k quadratic has two unequal real roots

Discriminant = (- 3) & sup2; - 4 (2-k & sup2;)
So 4K & sup2; + 1 > = 1 is a positive number, greater than 0
So there must be two different real roots

It's in the middle school mathematics unit test paper 9!
Solve the following equation in an appropriate way
1) 2x2-3 radical 6 x + 6 = 0
Note: 2 after question X in question 1 and 2 refers to the square, and 2 after question 3 refers to the square
The root of question 1 is 6

The first problem is to use the formula method. X = [3 root sign 6 plus and minus root sign (54-48)] divided by 4 to get x = root sign 6 or 2 / 2 root sign 6. The second problem is to use the decomposition factor method to decompose 2496 into - 52 and 48. That is, (X-52) (x + 48) = 0 to get x = 52 or x = - 48