Given that the two right sides of a right triangle are 7 and 11.5, find the diagonal degree of 7

Given that the two right sides of a right triangle are 7 and 11.5, find the diagonal degree of 7

It's 31.32869287 degrees. Thanks

Right triangle, given an angle of 12 degrees and 20 minutes, find the size of the diagonal straight side of this angle (assuming that the other right side is 1000)
Right triangle, given an angle of 12 degrees and 20 minutes, find the size of the diagonal straight side of this angle
Suppose the other right angle side is 1000

This edge divided by another right angle edge is the tangent of this diagonal. Therefore, this edge is 1000 times Tan 12 degrees and 20 minutes

The three heights of an acute triangle are all in () how many are the heights of a diagonal triangle outside of a 3-angle? Two of a right triangle are just her ()

All three heights of an acute triangle are within the triangle. An obtuse triangle has two heights outside the triangle. A right triangle has two heights just her side
Just draw by yourself