What's the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand on the clock at 8:30

What's the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand on the clock at 8:30

It takes 12 hours to walk a circle (360 degrees) clockwise, that is, the speed is 360 degrees / 12 hours = 360 degrees / (12 * 60) minutes = 0.5 degrees / minutes,
It takes 1 hour for a minute hand to walk around (360 degrees), that is, the speed is 360 degrees / 1 hour = 360 degrees / 60 minutes = 6 degrees / minutes,
So the hour hand starts from the number 8 to 8:30, and the angle is 30 * 0.5 = 15 degrees,
At 8:30, the angle of the real-time needle away from the number 6 is 30 * 2 + 15 = 75 degrees (360 degrees of the clock face is divided into 12 equal parts, each is 30 degrees)
The minute hand starts at 8 o'clock (number 12) and points to 6 at 8:30,
So at 8:30, the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand is 75 degrees

How many degrees does the minute hand of the clock turn in a minute? How many degrees does it turn in an hour?
There are a few more questions
45 degrees = right angle = horizontal angle = circumference
The degree of angle AOB is the same as that of the hour hand and minute hand at 4:00, so angle AOB = degree, 1 / 2 angle AOB = degree, 90 - 1 / 3 angle AOB = 90 - degree = degree
Solution 1: let the degrees of the two angles be (3) degrees and (2) degrees respectively, and then according to the meaning of the title, the equation is solved as x =, so 3x + 2x =. Solution 2: let the degree sum of the two angles be x degrees, then the two angles are respectively sum, and according to the meaning of the title, the equation is solved as: x =, so the sum of the two angles is degree
Xiaoliang started at 8:00 in the morning and got home at 12:30 at noon. He asked Xiaoliang what the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand was when he started and when he got home

360 / 60 = 6 degrees, 360 / 12 = 30 degrees, AOB = 4 * 30 = 120 degrees, AOB = 60 degrees
=90 degrees - 40 degrees = 50 degrees