It takes 25 seconds for a train to pass a 250 meter long tunnel and 23 seconds to pass a 210 meter long railway bridge (1) (2) if the train is 150 meters longer than another train with a speed of 72 kilometers per hour, how many seconds will it take for the two trains to pass by when they meet?

It takes 25 seconds for a train to pass a 250 meter long tunnel and 23 seconds to pass a 210 meter long railway bridge (1) (2) if the train is 150 meters longer than another train with a speed of 72 kilometers per hour, how many seconds will it take for the two trains to pass by when they meet?

Train speed (250-210) / (25-23) = 20m / S
Train length 25x20-250 = 250m
72x1000 △ 3600 = 20 m / S
It takes (150 + 250) / (20 + 20) = 10 seconds