It takes 55 seconds for a train to cross the 890 meter bridge It takes 45 seconds to cross the 690 meter tunnel at the same speed. How long is the train?

It takes 55 seconds for a train to cross the 890 meter bridge It takes 45 seconds to cross the 690 meter tunnel at the same speed. How long is the train?

The solution is x = 210

A railway bridge is 1200 meters long. It takes 75 seconds for a train to cross the bridge. It takes 15 seconds for a train to cross the first signal pole beside the road. Find out the speed and length of the train! The problem of the train crossing the bridge,

75 seconds is 1200 meters long for the train to cross the bridge and get on the train
15 seconds is a long time for a train to pass by itself
When a train runs over 1200 meters, it takes 75-15 = 60 seconds, the speed of the train is 1200 / 60 = 20 meters / second, and the length of the train is 20 * 15 = 300 meters
Check, (1200 + 300) / 20 = 1500 / 20 = 75 seconds, answer: speed 20 meters / second, car length 300 meters!

Xiaoming is standing by the railway. The train passes him. It takes two minutes for the train to be 900 meters long and pass a bridge at the same speed. How long is the bridge in five minutes?
If you want to use arithmetic, please make the meaning of each step clear!

Train speed: 900 / 2 = 450 m / min
Distance traveled by train in 5 minutes: 450 * 5 = 2250m
Length of bridge: 2250-900 = 1350m