Several primary school mathematics application problems, help to solve 1. The length of a wall clock's hand is 20 cm. How many cm does the tip of the hand walk in a day and night? 2. The diameter of a round flower bed is 3 meters. A circle of railings is set 0.8 meters away from the flower bed. How many meters is the total length of the railings? 3. The circumference of a piece of square paper is 20 decimeters. Cut it into the largest circle. How many decimeters is the circumference of this circle? 4. The express train from a to B runs in 8 hours, and the local train from B to a runs in 12 hours. The two trains run from a and B at the same time. On the way, the two trains meet and continue to move forward. After 6 hours, the distance between the two trains is 90 kilometers. How many meters is the distance between a and B? Want arithmetic solution, don't equation solution, also want to explain, trouble, online, etc., will add reward, hurry up

Several primary school mathematics application problems, help to solve 1. The length of a wall clock's hand is 20 cm. How many cm does the tip of the hand walk in a day and night? 2. The diameter of a round flower bed is 3 meters. A circle of railings is set 0.8 meters away from the flower bed. How many meters is the total length of the railings? 3. The circumference of a piece of square paper is 20 decimeters. Cut it into the largest circle. How many decimeters is the circumference of this circle? 4. The express train from a to B runs in 8 hours, and the local train from B to a runs in 12 hours. The two trains run from a and B at the same time. On the way, the two trains meet and continue to move forward. After 6 hours, the distance between the two trains is 90 kilometers. How many meters is the distance between a and B? Want arithmetic solution, don't equation solution, also want to explain, trouble, online, etc., will add reward, hurry up

1. The length of a wall clock is 20 cm, how many cm does the tip of the clock go in a day and night? The length of a wall clock is 20 cm, that is, the radius of the dial is 20 cm. To find out how many cm the tip of the clock goes in a day and night is to find out the circumference of the dial. 2 * 20 * π = 40 π = 40 * 3.14 = 125.6

There is an inlet pipe in the pool, which can be filled in 5 hours. There is an outlet pipe at the bottom of the pool, which can be filled in 8 hours. If the inlet and outlet pipes are opened at the same time, how many hours can the empty pool be filled?
Formula, write it out
It's a primary school problem. It can only be solved with primary school knowledge

There is an inlet pipe in the pool, which can be filled in 5 hours. There is an outlet pipe at the bottom of the pool, which can be filled in 8 hours. If the inlet and outlet pipes are opened at the same time, how many hours can the empty pool be filled?
One divided by one eighth minus one fifth = thirteen and one third (hours)
A: then the empty pool can be filled in 13 and a third of an hour

Answer the question according to the dialogue
Lao Niu: "I'm so tired."
Pony: "you are still tired, you carry two more than me!"
Lao Niu: "take one from your back. The package I carry is twice as big as yours!"
The pony said