The starting price of a taxi in a city is 5 yuan (driving no more than 7 km). After that, for every additional 1 km, the price will be increased by 1.5 yuan. Now, the cost for someone to take a taxi for P km (P > 7) is () A. 5+1.5PB. 5+1.5C. 5-1.5PD. 5+1.5(P-7)

The starting price of a taxi in a city is 5 yuan (driving no more than 7 km). After that, for every additional 1 km, the price will be increased by 1.5 yuan. Now, the cost for someone to take a taxi for P km (P > 7) is () A. 5+1.5PB. 5+1.5C. 5-1.5PD. 5+1.5(P-7)

According to the meaning of the question, the cost for a person to take a taxi for a distance of P kilometers (P > 7) is: 5 + 1.5 × (p-7) = 5 + 1.5 (p-7)

The starting price of a taxi is 6 yuan (within 5 km). In the future, it will be increased by 1.2 yuan for every additional 1 km (the part less than 1 km is calculated as 1 km)
Q: someone takes a taxi from place a to place B and pays 17.4 yuan. How much is the distance from place a to place B?
It is required to solve the system of linear inequalities of one variable again,
Above is (the part less than 1 km is calculated as 1 km)
Use inequality to solve it!


The starting price of taxi in a city is 7 yuan (less than or equal to 2 km). If the distance exceeds 2 km, 1.6 yuan will be added for every additional kilometer
How much does it cost Xiao Ming to take a taxi to the bookstore 8 kilometers away from home

If you do it twice, it's (7 + (8-2) * 1.6) * 2 = 33.2 yuan
If you still take the original car to go back, it's (7 + (8 * 2-2) * 1.6 + waiting fee