After the taxi starts at 6 yuan (within 3 km), each line will pay 1.8 yuan per kilometer. If less than one kilometer is counted as one kilometer, Mr. Zhang will pay 16.8 yuan. How many meters is there It is better to list the steps of equating and solving equations in detail

After the taxi starts at 6 yuan (within 3 km), each line will pay 1.8 yuan per kilometer. If less than one kilometer is counted as one kilometer, Mr. Zhang will pay 16.8 yuan. How many meters is there It is better to list the steps of equating and solving equations in detail

16.8-6 = 10.8 (km)
10.8 △ 1.8 = 6 (km)
6 + 3 = 9 (km)
9 km = 9000 m
A: 9000 meters
It's beyond the starting rent
6 + 3 = 9 (km)
9 km = 9000 m

The starting price of a taxi in Suzhou is 10 yuan per kilometer. After that, it costs 1.8 yuan per kilometer per hour. When I go to Suzhou, I will pay 13.6 yuan in total. When I go to Suzhou, it is about 1000 meters less

Let me go to Suzhou about X kilometers
According to the meaning of the question, we can get the following equation
The solution is x = 5
A: I'm about 5 kilometers to Suzhou