The starting price of a taxi is 7 yuan. For a distance of 3 kilometers or less, it costs 1.2 yuan per kilometer. Xiaoming pays 21.4 yuan for the distance from home to the gymnasium

The starting price of a taxi is 7 yuan. For a distance of 3 kilometers or less, it costs 1.2 yuan per kilometer. Xiaoming pays 21.4 yuan for the distance from home to the gymnasium

A: the distance from home to the stadium is 15 kilometers

The starting price of a taxi in a city is 7 yuan (less than or equal to 2 km), more than 2 km
The starting price of taxi in a city is 7 yuan (the distance is less than or equal to 2 km). If the distance is more than 2 km, 1.6 yuan will be added for every additional kilometer. The functional relationship between taxi fare y (yuan) and journey x (km)

This is a piecewise function:
When 0 < x ≤ 2, y = 7;
When x > 2, y = 1.6 (X-2) + 7, y = 1.6x + 3.8

A taxi in a city starts at 7 yuan (within 3 kilometers), and it costs 2.4 yuan per kilometer for more than 3 kilometers. It's about 4.5 kilometers from Xiaohua's home to the gymnasium, such as
How much does it cost by taxi?

(4.5-3) × 2.4 = 3.6 yuan
7 + 3.6 = 10.6 yuan