Here is the route map for Jiahang to take a taxi to the exhibition hall. It is known that the starting price of a taxi within 3 km (including 3 km) is 8 yuan, and every additional 1 km in the future The fee will be increased by 1.4 yuan. Please calculate according to the information provided in the picture. How much will Jiahang spend from home to the exhibition hall? Distance: 12cm Scale: 1:250000

Here is the route map for Jiahang to take a taxi to the exhibition hall. It is known that the starting price of a taxi within 3 km (including 3 km) is 8 yuan, and every additional 1 km in the future The fee will be increased by 1.4 yuan. Please calculate according to the information provided in the picture. How much will Jiahang spend from home to the exhibition hall? Distance: 12cm Scale: 1:250000

I calculated that the actual route is 30 kilometers. According to the data you provided, the taxi cost is 45.80 yuan

The following is the route map for Xiaoqiang to take a taxi to the exhibition hall. It is known that the starting price of a taxi within 3 km (including 3 km) is 8 yuan, and every additional 1 km in the future
In the future, the fare will be increased by 1.4 yuan per kilometer. Please calculate according to the information provided in the figure. How much is the total fare for Xiaoqiang to complete the tour and return home?
From exhibition hall to cultural center
Scale: 1:250000

The distance from home to cultural center is 4x250000 = 1000000 cm = 10 km, and the distance from cultural center to exhibition center is 8x250000 = 2000000 cm = 20 km. The fare from home to cultural center is 8 + 1.4x (10-3) = 17.8 yuan. The fare from cultural center to exhibition center is 8 + 1.4x (20-3) = 31.8 yuan. The fare from exhibition center to home is 8 + 1.4x (10 + 20-3) = 45.8 yuan. The total fare is 17.8 + 31.8 + 45.8 = 95.4 yuan

The taxi pricing rules of a city are as follows: the starting price is 8 yuan if the journey is less than 3 kilometers; the extra part is 2 yuan per kilometer (less than 1 kilometer is calculated as 1 kilometer). One day, Mr. Li spent 24 yuan in a taxi, and how many kilometers did he take at most

3 + (24-8) △ 2 = 11 (km)
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