My family's low carbon life

My family's low carbon life

Do you know what's low-carbon? Don't take other people's ready-made, learn to write by yourself

The prototype of London's "zero carbon Pavilion" at the Shanghai World Expo was taken from BedZED zero carbon society, the world's first zero carbon community
① Shanghai is hotter than London in summer, so "air conditioning" devices are added to adjust the indoor temperature
② In latitude, Shanghai is located in the south of London, but the temperature in Shanghai is lower than that in London in winter,
③ The main building materials of the two places are brick and wood, which are the most environmentally friendly building materials
④ The natural water resources of rivers are used as cooling water for air conditioning in both buildings
A.①② B.②③ C. ③④ D. ①④

Zero carbon Pavilion is the first zero carbon public building in China

The narrow sense of "carbon" in "zero carbon Pavilion" means carbon, especially carbon dioxide; the broad sense means energy conservation, environmental protection, low-carbon life, and no waste of resources