Low carbon life on campus Be sure to specify the type of plaintext

Low carbon life on campus Be sure to specify the type of plaintext

My low carbon tips
When I first came into contact with the word "low-carbon life", I felt that it was very fashionable. I just literally understood it as "life with less carbon". Later I found that low-carbon life is a very environmentally friendly and civilized thing. My understanding of low-carbon is to start from myself and small things in daily life to minimize all possible consumption, Low carbon mainly refers to reducing carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, low carbon life is very close to everyone. As long as you pay more attention to some details of life, you can reduce energy consumption
Some low-carbon tips in my life are aimed at water saving. Producing tap water and treating sewage will consume a lot of energy. Therefore, water saving is energy saving. Placing a large Coca Cola bottle in the water tank of the toilet can reduce the amount of water discharged each time, so as to save water. The water for washing face can be used to wash feet, and the water for washing clothes can be used to rinse dishcloth, If you wash clothes by hand once a month, each washing machine can save electricity, coal for power generation and carbon dioxide emissions, It's an amazing amount of carbon dioxide emission reduction. If you don't use the washing machine to wash clothes twice a month, it's very necessary
So for our primary and secondary school students, is there any other good way to reduce consumption and low carbon? Let's take a look at my suggestions. Double sided use of paper can save paper; no disposable chopsticks and disposable lunch boxes; no disposable plastic bags; reduce the waste of food; turn off the lights and run the faucet. Our earth needs our common care, Let's start from the little things around us, cherish resources, reduce energy consumption, and make our life better

Expo and low carbon life
In Shanghai World Expo, which venues are closely related to low-carbon, or what measures embody low-carbon life?

Japan Pavilion:
The Japanese, who are good at innovation, also use a lot of ideas in the design of Expo venues. From the appearance to the interior, the whole pavilion tries to use a lot of the latest high-tech technology, which is beautiful, intelligent and environmentally friendly. The appearance of the pavilion is purple, which looks like a cocoon and is known as "Purple silkworm island". The outer wall of the pavilion can change all kinds of "expressions" with the change of sunlight and the performance at night, Solar cells are placed in a transparent film, which has the functions of light transmission and power generation. Mr. Yu, the former planning director of the Japanese pavilion, told the reporter: "our Japanese pavilion has more energy-saving and environmental protection technologies, which can use sunlight, wind and rain, so as to minimize carbon dioxide emissions and achieve environmental protection, Before watching the warm-up show, the audience will see what a city will look like in 2020, a city with zero emissions. "
India Pavilion:
India Pavilion is an example of the former. This bamboo building has a high dome with green plants on the top, Mr. Roger, director of the India Pavilion, said: "our India Pavilion is built with bamboo purchased from Jiangxi Province, China. This is the largest bamboo dome in the world so far. Above this bamboo dome are small wind power generation devices and solar panels, which provide green and clean energy for the whole pavilion. The top of the dome will be covered with green plants, The irrigation water is recycled, and the rainwater collection system can also be used to irrigate plants. The whole venue is completely environment-friendly and pollution-free. "
Swiss Pavilion:
The interactive intelligent curtain of the Swiss Pavilion is specially designed for the Shanghai World Expo. There are 10000 solar panels on the curtain, and these red discs shine at night
These "little suns" absorb sunlight during the day and convert solar energy into electricity at night, making them the most dazzling part of the night view of the Swiss Pavilion

The theme of Shanghai World Expo is "Better City, better life". In order to promote low-carbon life, solar water heater is widely used in modern life. The following table provides the relevant information of a solar water heater filled with water under solar irradiation: solar irradiation time / h, efficiency of solar energy conversion into internal energy of water, maximum water capacity / L 10 50% 100 Temperature of water rising / ℃ specific heat capacity of water [J · (kg ·℃) - 1] density of water / (kg · M-3) 604.2 × 103 1.0 × 103 note: 1L = 10-3m3, please answer the question through calculation according to the above table. (1) the quality of water in water heater is______ (2) the heat to be absorbed by the water in the water heater is______ J. (3) the average solar energy received by the water heater is about 1 hour______ J.

(1) M = ρ v = 1.0 × 103kg / m3 × 100 × 10-3m3 = 100kg; (2) q = cm △ t = 4.2 × 103J / (kg ·℃) × 100kg × 60 ℃ = 2.52 × 107j; (3) the average solar energy received by the water heater in 10h is: Q η = 2.52 × 107j50% = 5.04 × 107j. Then the average solar energy received in 1H is: 110 × 5.04 × 107j = 5.04 × 106j, so the answer is: (1) 100, (2) 2.52 × 107, (3) 5.04 × 106