Please teach me a math problem Between 0.6 and 0.7, the minimum two digit number is (), and the maximum two digit number is ()

Please teach me a math problem Between 0.6 and 0.7, the minimum two digit number is (), and the maximum two digit number is ()

The minimum two digits should be the minimum two decimal places
The minimum two decimal places is 0.61
The maximum two decimal places is 0.69

If f (x) = AX2 + BX, 1 ≤ f (- 1) ≤ 2,2 ≤ f (- 1) ≤ 4, the value range of F (- 2) can be obtained
Sorry. I forgot to say that AX2.. 2 is superscript
Yeah. It's 1 ≤ f (- 1) ≤ 2, 2 ≤ f (1) ≤ 4
But the final answer is 5 ≤ f (- 2) ≤ 10

You pasted it into two, both - 1
This problem is very complicated to discuss, but not difficult
First, if a = 0,
F (- 1) is substituted into the functional expression to obtain 1=

A math problem, teach me
Write out the analytical expressions of the following problems, and point out which are constants, which are independent variables, and which are functions of independent variables. (1) the output value of the factory run by the first middle school in a city this year is 150000 yuan, and it is planned to increase 20000 yuan every year in the future. Write out the analytical expression between the annual output value Y (10000 yuan) and the number of years X in the future. (2) use a fence with the total plant of 60 (m) to form a rectangular site, The analytic formula between the area s (M & # 178;) and the length x (m) of a rectangle

(1) Y = 2x + 15, where x is an independent variable, y is a function of X independent variable, and 15 is a constant
(2) S = x [(60-2x) △ 2] s = 30x-x & # 178; where: X is an independent variable, s is a function of X independent variable, and 0 is a constant