Xiaohua's room is paved with tiles. His room is 50 decimeters long and 35 decimeters wide. From the point of view of saving materials, how many decimeter square tiles are suitable? How many such tiles are needed

Xiaohua's room is paved with tiles. His room is 50 decimeters long and 35 decimeters wide. From the point of view of saving materials, how many decimeter square tiles are suitable? How many such tiles are needed

It is 50 decimeters long and 35 decimeters wide
The greatest common divisor of length and width is 5 decimeters
50 * 35 / (5 * 5) = 70 pieces

The length of a swimming pool is 50 meters and the area is 500 square meters. After the expansion, the length will remain unchanged and the width will be increased to 12 meters. How much more will the area of the expanded swimming pool be than the original one?
Everyone is so powerful, but I don't know who to judge

The first type: the original width = 500 △ 50 = 10
The area of the expanded swimming pool has increased by 20%
Second: the expanded pool area is 50 * 12 = 600 square meters
600-500 square meters more than the original
The third type: if the increased area after expansion is △ s, then △ = 12 × 50 = 600 m ^ 2
After the expansion, the pool area has increased by (600-500) / 500 = 20%
I hope it's useful for you_ ∩) O... Ha ha

Divide a circle into 32 equal parts, then cut it open to form an approximate rectangle. The length of the rectangle is equal to______ The width of a rectangle is a circle______ Because the area of a rectangle is______ So the area of the circle is______ .

Because the length of an approximate rectangle is equal to half of the circumference of a circle, and the width is equal to the radius of a circle. The area of a circle is equal to the area of an approximate rectangle, = length × width, = π R × R, = π R2. So a circle is divided into 32 equal parts. Then it is cut and assembled into an approximate rectangle. The length of the rectangle is equal to half of the circumference of the circle, and the width of the rectangle is the radius of the circle So the answer is: half of the circumference, radius, length × width, π R2