1. In a sales promotion, a kind of computer only sold for 6840 yuan, 760 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the price reduction of this kind of computer? 2. Guangming automobile factory produced 1260 cars in November, more than 20% of the original plan. How many cars did it plan to produce in November? 3. Granny Zhang deposits 3000 yuan in the bank for two years with an annual interest rate of 4.68%. After maturity, how much yuan can granny Zhang get back with the after tax interest? (5% interest tax) 4. A box of candy weighs 500 grams. If you eat three fifths of the candy and the rest weighs 224 grams, how many grams does the box weigh? 5. Fill in the blanks: the hotel's turnover is about 300000 per month, and it pays 15000 business tax. What's the tax rate? 6. Fill in the blanks: cut a circle into a rectangle, 31.4cm long and equal to the radius of the circle. What is the radius of the circle? 7. Judgment question: in order to clearly show the relationship between the quantity of each part and the total quantity, use () statistical chart. A broken line B bar C sector 8. Judgment question: one third of Xiaohong's height is equal to one fourth of Xiaoqiang's height. Xiaohong and Xiaoqiang are taller than each other. The result is that a Xiaohong is as tall as B Xiaoqiang and C Xiaoqiang

1. In a sales promotion, a kind of computer only sold for 6840 yuan, 760 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the price reduction of this kind of computer? 2. Guangming automobile factory produced 1260 cars in November, more than 20% of the original plan. How many cars did it plan to produce in November? 3. Granny Zhang deposits 3000 yuan in the bank for two years with an annual interest rate of 4.68%. After maturity, how much yuan can granny Zhang get back with the after tax interest? (5% interest tax) 4. A box of candy weighs 500 grams. If you eat three fifths of the candy and the rest weighs 224 grams, how many grams does the box weigh? 5. Fill in the blanks: the hotel's turnover is about 300000 per month, and it pays 15000 business tax. What's the tax rate? 6. Fill in the blanks: cut a circle into a rectangle, 31.4cm long and equal to the radius of the circle. What is the radius of the circle? 7. Judgment question: in order to clearly show the relationship between the quantity of each part and the total quantity, use () statistical chart. A broken line B bar C sector 8. Judgment question: one third of Xiaohong's height is equal to one fourth of Xiaoqiang's height. Xiaohong and Xiaoqiang are taller than each other. The result is that a Xiaohong is as tall as B Xiaoqiang and C Xiaoqiang

1. 760 (6840 + 760) = 10%. The cheap money is the money to reduce the price. Dividing the price by the original price is the percentage of the price reduction. 2. 1260 (1 + 20%) = 1260 (1.2) = 1050 (vehicles). It is more than 20% of the original plan, 3, 3000 + 3000 × 4.68% × 2 × (1-5%) = 3000 + 266.76 = 3266.76 yuan. Principal × interest rate × time = interest, interest × (1-5%) = after tax interest. Principal + after tax interest = amount of money given by the bank. 4, 500 - (500-224) × 3 / 5 = 500-460 = 40g. (500-224) × 3 / 5 = 460, 5, 1.5 △ 30 = 5%, 6, 31.4 × 2 △ 2 △ 3.14 = 10 cm. The length of the rectangle is a long side. Multiply by 2 to get two sides, which is the circumference of the circle. The circumference of the circle △ 2 △ 3.14 = the radius of the circle. 7. Select C. you can see the characteristics of the fan-shaped statistical chart, which is explained in the book. The fan-shaped statistical chart can clearly show the relationship between the number of each part and the total number, Choose B. Xiaohong's average score of one in three is as much as Xiaoqiang's average score of one in four
It took me a lot of time to answer like this, but I have to study hard

1. The current price of a TV set is 2400 yuan, which is one seventh lower than the original price. How much lower is the price
2. Simple calculation (3 / 4 + 1 / 2-5 / 6) × 1 / 24 (3 / 4-3 / 4 × 5 / 9) × 4 / 9
3. This year's output is 1 / 5 higher than that of last year, which means that today's output is ()
4. If the circumference of the rectangle is 40cm and the width is 5 / 8 of the length, the rectangle is () cm long and () cm wide

1. The current price is 6 / 7 of the original price. The original price = 2400 * 7 / 6 = 2800
Original price current price = 2800-2400 = 400
2 (3/4+1/2-5/6)*24=18+12-20=10
3/4 (1-5/9)/(4/9)=(3/4 )* (4/9)/(4/9)=3/4
(the law of multiplication and distribution. You can change the multiplication and division sign of the computer by yourself. What you don't need is to show it to you easily.)
3 6/5
4 circumference 40 length + width = 20 length is 160 / 13 width 100 / 13

1. On the edge of a circular flower garden with a circumference of 62.8 meters, build a circular path with a width of 1 meter. How many square meters is the area of this path?
2. For a circular fountain with a radius of 16 meters, a 1 meter wide circular flower belt is built around it. If 32 flowers are planted per square meter, the cost of each plant is 4.5 yuan. How much is the total investment of this circular flower belt?
3. A rectangle and a circle have the same circumference. The length of the rectangle is 4.85 cm, and the length is 1.85 cm. What is the area of the circle?
I would have done the above three questions, but the result of my own formula is always inconsistent with the answer
1、62.8÷(3.14×2)=10 3.14×(10²-1²)
2. 3.14 × (16 & sup2; - 1 & sup2;) and I will,
3. [4.85 + (4.85-1.85)] × 2, and then the result of this formula is divided by (3.14 × 2) & sup2; × 3.14

1. Garden radius r = 62.8/3.14/2
The area is: 3.14 * (R + 1) ^ 2-3.14 * R ^ 2 = 3.14 * (R + 1 + R) * (R + 1-r) = 3.14 * (2 * r + 1) = 3.14 * (62.8 / 3.14 + 1) = 62.8 + 3.14 = 65.94
2. Same as 1
3.14 * (2 * r + 1) is the area
3.14 * (2 * r + 1) * 32 * 4.5 this is the amount of investment
3. Length 4.85
Width 4.85-1.85 = 3
Circumference = (3 + 4.85) * 2 = circumference
Circle radius = (3 + 4.85) * 2 / 2 / 3.14 = (3 + 4.85) / 3.14
Circle area = 3.14 * (3 + 4.85) ^ 2 / 3.14 ^ 2 = 7.85 ^ 2 / 3.14