If A-1 / 5B = B-1 / 4A, the ratio of a to B is () In the first run, when a runs to the end, B is still 20 meters short; in the second run, a starts from 20 meters behind the starting line, and B starts from the starting line. The speed of the two runners is the same as that of the first run. In the second run, who reaches the end first? How many meters is the difference between the other?

If A-1 / 5B = B-1 / 4A, the ratio of a to B is () In the first run, when a runs to the end, B is still 20 meters short; in the second run, a starts from 20 meters behind the starting line, and B starts from the starting line. The speed of the two runners is the same as that of the first run. In the second run, who reaches the end first? How many meters is the difference between the other?

1、A+1/4A =B+1/5B
2. The first time: A: 100 = V1 × T; B: 80 = V2 × T; V1 / V2 = 5 / 4; V2 = 0.8v1
The second time: 120 = V × t1100 = 0.8V × T2; 120 / 100 = T1 / 0.8t2; T1

Find 20 application questions of fraction equation,
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1. The value of the first and the second kind of goods is 300 yuan and 300 yuan respectively

A fractional equation application problem solving
The teachers and students of a military academy visited the military camp 30 kilometers away from the school. Some of them rode bicycles. However, it took 10 minutes to repair the car on the way. Half an hour later, the rest of them set out by car. As a result, the car arrived 40 minutes earlier. It is known that the speed of the car is three times that of the bicycle, so we need to find the speed of the bicycle

The bicycle speed is set at x km / h, and the car speed is set at 3x km / h
The bicycle speed is 40 km / h