The sum of the numerator and denominator of the simplest fraction of a number is 22. The numerator is reduced by 3, and the denominator is increased by 3. The fraction is 3 out of 8. What is the original fraction!

The sum of the numerator and denominator of the simplest fraction of a number is 22. The numerator is reduced by 3, and the denominator is increased by 3. The fraction is 3 out of 8. What is the original fraction!

If the numerator decreases by 3 and the denominator increases by 3, the sum of numerator and denominator remains unchanged, or 22
Now the molecule is 22 × 3 / (8 + 3) = 6
The denominator is 22-6 = 16
The original numerator and denominator are 6 + 3 = 9 and 1-3 = 13
The original score was 9 out of 13

For a reduced fraction, the sum of numerator and denominator is 22. If the numerator increases by 3, the denominator decreases by 3, which is exactly 3 / 8. What is the original fraction?

3 / 19