The sum of the numerator and denominator is 30. After the denominator is increased by 22, a new fraction is obtained. This fraction is reduced to one third of the simplest fraction. What is the original fraction? Better not use the equation

The sum of the numerator and denominator is 30. After the denominator is increased by 22, a new fraction is obtained. This fraction is reduced to one third of the simplest fraction. What is the original fraction? Better not use the equation

So the ratio of numerator to denominator is 1:3. The sum of numerator and denominator is 30 + 22 = 52. The numerator is one fourth of the total 52, which is 13. The denominator is three quarters of the total 52, which is 39. The original denominator is 39-22 = 17. The original fraction is 17 / 13

The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 30. After adding 22 to the denominator, a new fraction is obtained. The simplest fraction is 13. What is the original fraction?

30 + 22 = 52, 52 × 11 + 3 = 13, 52 × 31 + 3 = 39, 39-22 = 17; so the original score is 1317; a: the original score is 1317