1. In the physical education class of class 501, there are 34 people participating in rope skipping activities. They should be divided into five groups, at least how many more people? How many groups can they be divided into?

1. In the physical education class of class 501, there are 34 people participating in rope skipping activities. They should be divided into five groups, at least how many more people? How many groups can they be divided into?

34 △ 5 = 6 (Group) 4 (person)
5-4 = 1 (person)
6 + 1 = 7 (Group)
A: at least one person will come, which can be divided into seven groups

Several simple practical questions
1. When young pioneers go to the army for training, they walk 3 / 8 of the whole course on the first day, and the rest 40% on the second day. The rest of the road is 6.5 kilometers more than that on the second day. How many kilometers is the whole course?
2. A and B start from a and B at the same time. Car a travels 54 kilometers per hour, while car B takes 10 hours to complete the whole journey. When car B reaches 13 / 30 of the whole journey, car a has already traveled 3 / 8 of the whole journey. Find the distance between a and B
3. The two granaries of a and B carry three eighth of the grain from a and three seventh of the grain from B. the total amount of grain carried by the two granaries is five percent less than that of A. the original grain in B is 63 tons, but how many tons of the original grain in a?
4. The coal in pile a is 1.2 tons less than that in pile B. the coal in pile a is 2 / 5 less than that in pile B, and the coal in pile B is 3.6 tons less. At this time, the coal in pile B is 0.6 tons more than that in pile A. how many tons of coal in pile a?
5. A passenger car and a freight car leave from station a and B at the same time, and they meet after 6 hours. It is known that the passenger car travels 50 kilometers per hour and the freight car completes the whole journey in 15 hours. How many kilometers is the distance between station a and B?

6.5 / (1 / 8) = 52 km
A: the whole journey is 52 kilometers
(13 / 30) / (1 / 10) = 13 / 3 hours
54 * 13 / 3 = 234 km
234 / (3 / 8) = 624 km
A: the distance between a and B is 624km
63 * (3 / 7) = 27 tons
27 / (9 / 40) = 120 tons
A: the original grain in warehouse A is 120 tons
1.2-0.6 = 0.6 ton
3.6 + 0.6 = 4.2 tons
4.2 / (2 / 5) = 10.5 tons
A: the original quantity of jiadui coal is 10.5 tons
50 * 6 = 300 km
300 / (3 / 5) = 500 km
A: the two stations are 500 kilometers apart
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