For a three digit number, now move the leftmost number to the rightmost one, which is 45 times smaller than the original number. It is also known that 9 times of a hundred digit number is 3 times smaller than the two digit number composed of ten digits and one digit number, so as to find the original three digit number Solving the first order equation with two variables

For a three digit number, now move the leftmost number to the rightmost one, which is 45 times smaller than the original number. It is also known that 9 times of a hundred digit number is 3 times smaller than the two digit number composed of ten digits and one digit number, so as to find the original three digit number Solving the first order equation with two variables

Let X be the two digit of ten and one digit, then the hundred digit is: [x-3] / 9
The original number is: [x-3] / 9 * 100 + X
The current number is: 10x + [x-3] / 9
The equation is as follows
The percentile is: [39-3] / 9 = 4
The original number is 439

Grade 5 application problem, we help to solve
There are two baskets of fruits. If you take 5kg from basket a and put them in basket B, the weight of the two baskets is equal. If you take 5kg from basket B and put them in basket a, the weight of basket B is 1 / 2 of that of basket A. how many kg are the two baskets?
I really can't give points=
Dear ones, we didn't learn the linear equation of two variables
It's better to be arithmetical
Why are there different answers=

10 / (1 / 2-1 / 3) = 60 kg
B: 60 * 1 / 2-5 = 25kg
A: 60-25 = 35kg

1 △ (- 1) - (- 4) × (- 1) + 1 = (- 3 1 / 2) × (- 1 / 2) × 3 1 / 3=
(2 and 3 / 1-3 and 2 / 1 + 1 and 45 / 4) / (- 1 and 6 / 1) this process!

2. 70 out of 9
3. (2 1 / 3-3 1 / 2 + 1 4 / 45) / (- 1 1 / 6)
=(7 / 3-7 / 2 + 49 / 45) / (- 7 / 6)
=(- 7 / 6 + 49 / 45) / (- 7 / 6)
=3 / 90 (- 7 / 6)
=-One out of 35