Party A and Party B go from place a to place B at the same time. Party A walks 250 meters per minute and Party B walks 90 meters per minute. After arriving at place B, Party A immediately returns to place a and meets at 3.2 kilometers away from place B. what is the distance between two places? Explain why

Party A and Party B go from place a to place B at the same time. Party A walks 250 meters per minute and Party B walks 90 meters per minute. After arriving at place B, Party A immediately returns to place a and meets at 3.2 kilometers away from place B. what is the distance between two places? Explain why

When Party A and Party B meet, it means that Party A and Party B go at the same time
A is more than B: 3200 * 2 = 6400 meters
A walks more than B per minute: 250-90 = 160 meters
A is gone, B is gone: 6400 / 160 = 40 points
Distance between the two places: 90 * 40 + 3200 = 6800m

Who can solve this problem
A and B leave from city a and B at the same time. After 4 hours, car a runs 80% of the whole journey. Car B is 13 meters above the midpoint. It is known that car a travels 3 kilometers more per hour than car B. how many kilometers are there between city a and city B?
Let's help~~~
It's better to have both formula and explanation!
Thank you!

A did more than B in 4 hours: 80-1 / 2 = 3 / 10
Another car a travels 3 kilometers more per hour than car B
4 hours more than 3 * 4 = 12 km
Therefore, the distance between city B and city B is 12 / (3 / 10) = 40 km

Team a, B and C built a road together. Team a, B and C built a third of the road after five days. Team B and C built the remaining quarter in two days, and the remaining three pairs completed in four days. The total salary was 2280 yuan. Then how much yuan should each person get for workload distribution?
I'm sorry, I got the wrong question!

1-1 / 3 = 2 / 3, 2 / 3 * 1 / 4 = 1 / 6, that is, Party B, C and repair two days to repair one sixth of the road, so Party A, B, C and team 3 repair one half of the road in four days. In conclusion, suppose party a repair Road x, Party B, y, C every day, Z (x + y + Z) * 4 = 1 / 2 (x + y) * 5 = 1 / 3 (y + Z) * 2 = 1 / 6, solve the equations x = 1 / 24, y = 1 / 40, z = 7 / 120, party a repair 9 days = 1 / 24 * 9 * 2280 = 85