Chickens and rabbits are in the same cage, with 8 heads and 20 legs. How many chickens and rabbits are there? How to do it with arithmetic

Chickens and rabbits are in the same cage, with 8 heads and 20 legs. How many chickens and rabbits are there? How to do it with arithmetic

Suppose all rabbits are 8 × 4 = 32 32-20 = 12 12 (4-2) = 68-6 = 2
A: there are six chickens and two rabbits. I believe you are smart, so I don't need to explain it!

How many chickens and rabbits are there in the cage? (using equation and enumeration method.)

If there are x chickens, then there are 8-x rabbits
There were 6 chickens and 2 rabbits
Enumeration: suppose all chickens have 2x8 = 16 feet
Four from 20, if you change a chicken into a rabbit
Two more feet
There were 2 rabbits and 6 chickens

Chickens and rabbits in the same cage, 23 heads, 56 legs, how many chickens and rabbits each
Tell me the formula

Assuming that all chickens are chickens, then: number of chickens = (number of feet per rabbit × total number of rabbits actual number of feet) / (number of feet per rabbit - number of feet per chicken) 18 = (4 × 23-56) / (4-2) number of rabbits = number of chickens total number of rabbits 5 = 23-18 assuming that all rabbits are rabbits, then: number of rabbits = (number of feet per chicken × total number of chickens) / (number of Rabbits