2 application questions of physical pressure! In a hydropower station, the height of the dam is 105m. When the water depth in the dam is 70m, what is the water pressure at 20m away from the dam bottom

2 application questions of physical pressure! In a hydropower station, the height of the dam is 105m. When the water depth in the dam is 70m, what is the water pressure at 20m away from the dam bottom

It is known that: pwater = 1000kg / m, H1 = 70m, h2 = 20m. Calculation: the depth of pwater 20m away from the dam bottom H = h1-h2 = 70-20 = 50m, the pressure P = pwater GH = 1000kg / m * 10N / kg * 50m = 500000pa

2 application questions help!
[main formula]
(1) The diameter of a round flower bed is 20 meters
1. The outer diameter of the wheel of a bicycle is 50cm. How many turns does the bicycle have to make when it goes around the flower bed?
2. If a one meter wide path is built around the flower bed, how many square meters is the area of the path?
(2) A fish pond in the East Lake Park. The diameter of the pond is 30 meters, and the diameter of the circular rockery in the middle is 6 meters
1. What is the floor area of the fish pond? (the width of the fish pond is ignored, the same below)
2. How many meters did you walk around the fish pond?

The diameter of a round flower bed is 20 meters. 1. The outer diameter of the wheel of a bicycle is 50 cm. How many turns does it take for a bicycle to go around the flower bed? The cycle of a bicycle is 50 × 2 × 3.14 = 314 (CM) = 3.14 (m). The perimeter of the flower bed is 20 × 3.14 = 62.8 (m)