On the physical application of internal energy It is convenient and environment-friendly to use the gas stove. When the general gas stove works normally, it can make 4kg, 23 ℃ water boil in 15 minutes (the boiling point of water in this city is 93 ℃) (1) Heat absorbed by water (2) If the gas stove gives out 65% of the heat Please write down the process of solving the problem, The sixth power of 2936 x10

On the physical application of internal energy It is convenient and environment-friendly to use the gas stove. When the general gas stove works normally, it can make 4kg, 23 ℃ water boil in 15 minutes (the boiling point of water in this city is 93 ℃) (1) Heat absorbed by water (2) If the gas stove gives out 65% of the heat Please write down the process of solving the problem, The sixth power of 2936 x10

The correct answer is 4200j / kg ℃× 4kg × (93 ℃ - 23 ℃) = 12936000j
The second answer is 65% q = 19901538j
The answer is wrong
If you don't know physics in the future, just ask me~

The rated voltage of a bulb is 36V, and the current under normal illumination is 0.2A

(1) U = 36V, I = 0.2A, according to the formula P = UI = 36V × 0.2A = 7.2W; (2) P = 7.2W, t = 1min = 60s, according to the formula w = Pt = 7.2W × 60s = 432j; answer: (1) the rated power of the bulb is 7.2W, (2) the electric energy consumed by the bulb for 1min is 432j