1 yuan twice applied question 3 There are 132233 natural villages. 2315 ecological civilized villages were built in 2005. It is planned that the number of ecological civilized villages will reach 24.4% of the total number of natural villages by 2007. According to this plan, what is the average annual growth rate of ecological civilized villages from 2005 to 2007?

1 yuan twice applied question 3 There are 132233 natural villages. 2315 ecological civilized villages were built in 2005. It is planned that the number of ecological civilized villages will reach 24.4% of the total number of natural villages by 2007. According to this plan, what is the average annual growth rate of ecological civilized villages from 2005 to 2007?

In 2005, ecological civilized villages accounted for 2315 △ 132233 = 1.75% of the total number of natural villages
From 2005 to 2007, the average annual growth rate of ecological civilization village is X

Column one yuan quadratic solution application problem!
A 2-mead-wide circular road is paved around a circular painting circle. The total area of the road and the painting circle is 200 square meters. How many meters is the perimeter of the center line of the road?

The radius from the center of the circle to the outermost side is under the root sign (200 / 3.14)
The radius of the center line of the corridor is (200 / 3.14) - 1
The perimeter of the center line of the corridor is 6.28 * [under root (200 / 3.14) - 1] = 6.28-6.28 under root 20

How to solve practical problems with one variable quadratic (the best)
I know how to solve one yuan twice, but I know how to solve practical problems!

If you can't solve the equation directly, you'd better use the formula