Help me solve the application problem of one yuan twice, fast! A school invested 20000 yuan in laboratory equipment last year, and the total investment is expected to be 120000 yuan this year and next. What is the average growth rate of the investment in laboratory equipment? 2. The profit of a shopping mall in Shanghai is 1 million yuan in July and 1.21 million yuan in September. The profit of B shopping mall in Shanghai is 2 million yuan in July and 2.88 million yuan in September. Which shopping mall has a larger average monthly increase rate It's a process

Help me solve the application problem of one yuan twice, fast! A school invested 20000 yuan in laboratory equipment last year, and the total investment is expected to be 120000 yuan this year and next. What is the average growth rate of the investment in laboratory equipment? 2. The profit of a shopping mall in Shanghai is 1 million yuan in July and 1.21 million yuan in September. The profit of B shopping mall in Shanghai is 2 million yuan in July and 2.88 million yuan in September. Which shopping mall has a larger average monthly increase rate It's a process

The growth rate of a is 10%, that of B is 20%, and that of B is large

One yuan twice application problem, who asked me to list, and solve it
In 2006, the county Party committee and the people's Government of a province decided to open junior middle school classes in eight cities of the province, focusing on recruiting poor students from farmers and herdsmen's children and their families. In September 2006, a city enrolled 50 junior middle school students in the province, and plans to recruit 450 junior middle school students in three years after the enrollment in September 2008. If the average annual growth rate of junior middle school students in the city is the same as that in the previous year, the number of junior middle school students in the province will reach 450, This is the growth rate

If the growth rate is x, there is 50 (1 + x) ^ 2 + 50 (1 + x) + 50 = 450. The solution is that x is about 1.37, that is, the growth rate is 137%

Physics calculation problems in the first semester of senior one (about acceleration)
If the acceleration of the object can slide upward along the inclined plane, V, then the velocity of the object can be calculated

According to the meaning of the title, the upward friction of the object along the inclined plane is equal to the downward component of the gravity of the object along the inclined plane. So f = mgsinb. When the object slides upward, the friction and the gravity are downward along the direction of the component of the force of the inclined plane, so the force on the inclined plane is f '= F + mgsinb = 2mgsinb