A-5 of A-2 / (16-a-3 of A-3)

A-5 of A-2 / (16-a-3 of A-3)

Original formula = (A-2) / (a-5) / [16 / (A-3) - (a + 3)]

What's the ratio if 1A / 2 = 2B / 3

1A / 2 = 2B / 3
In proportion
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2 / 1A = 3 / 1b, then a / b = () / (), a is proportional to B

The ratio of denominator is equal to the ratio of numerator, that is, a / b = 2 / 3

(- 1A / 2 + B / 3) ^ 2

(- 1A / 2 + 1B / 3) &;
=(- 1A / 2) & # 178; + 2 × (- 1A / 2) × (1B / 3) + (1B / 3) & # 178;
=1a of 4 and 178; - 1ab of 3 + B of 9 and 178;
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The square of (1a / 3-3 / 4) B - (1a / 3 + 3B / 4)
As soon as possible

The square of (1a / 3-3 / 4) B - (1a / 3 + 3B / 4)
=(3 / A-4 / 3B + 3 / A + 4 / 3b) (3 / A-4 / 3b-3 / A-4 / 3b)
=(2A / 3) (- 3B / 2)

1 / 2 of a number is 16 less than 3 / 5 of it. What's the number?
The calculation process should be clear

The number is 16 (3 / 5-1 / 2) = 160

Is 3 out of a monomial
The following statement is true:
An algebraic expression is either a monomial or a polynomial
Monomials are integers
Monomials of integers
None of the above is true

It's not because there are letters in the denominator
The first sentence is wrong, because there are letters in the denominator. The formula is algebraic, but it is neither monomial nor polynomial
The second sentence is right
The third sentence is wrong, because integers include monomials and polynomials
So the right one is the second one





Answer: ① √ 48 - √ 54 △ 2 + (3 - √ 3) (1 + √ 3 points 1) thank you

① √ 48 - √ 54 △ 2 + (3 - √ 3) (1 + √ 3 points 1)