Help us 1.78 degrees - 47 degrees 34 minutes 45 seconds = 4.25 degrees = 3. If the sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 15, then the largest odd number is If 1 / 3 of a number is equal to this number minus 4, then this number is 5. If it is known that the price of a commodity after 20% reduction is 2800 yuan, the original price of the commodity is yuan 6. According to some statistical data, 664 cities in China can be divided into three categories according to water resources: temporary water shortage cities, general water shortage cities and severe water shortage cities. Among them, 50 cities are less than 4 times of the cities with serious water shortage, and 10 cities are generally short of water, which are twice as many as those with serious water shortage? 7. A group of businessmen gathered in the open-air teahouse. They had a table for two, and the waiter brought a bottle of juice to each table. Later, they changed to a table for three, and the waiter gave each table a bottle of wine. Soon, they changed to a table for four, At the end of the party, the waiter collected 50 empty bottles. If no one took away the bottles, how many people were there? 8. Someone was in an emergency and scheduled to take a small train from a to B. in fact, he took a minivan for a third of the way and then took a taxi, which doubled the speed and arrived an hour and a half ahead of schedule. The speed of the minivan is known to be 36 km / h, so the distance between the two places is required 9. Wang Liang made an appointment with his classmates to play table tennis at 4:30 p.m. each of them aligned his watch at 8:00 a.m. Wang Liang arrived on time at 4:30, but his classmates didn't come. The original classmate's watch was 4 minutes slower than the correct time. If the student arrived at 4:30 p.m., how much time would Wang Liang have to wait (the correct time)?

Help us 1.78 degrees - 47 degrees 34 minutes 45 seconds = 4.25 degrees = 3. If the sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 15, then the largest odd number is If 1 / 3 of a number is equal to this number minus 4, then this number is 5. If it is known that the price of a commodity after 20% reduction is 2800 yuan, the original price of the commodity is yuan 6. According to some statistical data, 664 cities in China can be divided into three categories according to water resources: temporary water shortage cities, general water shortage cities and severe water shortage cities. Among them, 50 cities are less than 4 times of the cities with serious water shortage, and 10 cities are generally short of water, which are twice as many as those with serious water shortage? 7. A group of businessmen gathered in the open-air teahouse. They had a table for two, and the waiter brought a bottle of juice to each table. Later, they changed to a table for three, and the waiter gave each table a bottle of wine. Soon, they changed to a table for four, At the end of the party, the waiter collected 50 empty bottles. If no one took away the bottles, how many people were there? 8. Someone was in an emergency and scheduled to take a small train from a to B. in fact, he took a minivan for a third of the way and then took a taxi, which doubled the speed and arrived an hour and a half ahead of schedule. The speed of the minivan is known to be 36 km / h, so the distance between the two places is required 9. Wang Liang made an appointment with his classmates to play table tennis at 4:30 p.m. each of them aligned his watch at 8:00 a.m. Wang Liang arrived on time at 4:30, but his classmates didn't come. The original classmate's watch was 4 minutes slower than the correct time. If the student arrived at 4:30 p.m., how much time would Wang Liang have to wait (the correct time)?

1. = 30 ° 25 ′ 15 ″ 2. = 25 ° 30 ′ = 24 ° 88 ′ 120 ″ = 6 ° 22 ′ 30 ″ 3. A + A + 2 + A + 4 = 15, a = 3 ﹤ a + 4 = 74. If this number is x 1 / 3x = x-4, x = 65. (is it 20%?) if the original price x yuan 80% x = 2800, x = 35006

Please tell us the reason for the disintegration. The faster it is, can you add 30 points 1. It is known that the solution of the equation A-X / 2 = bx-3 / 3 about X is x = 2, where a ≠ 0, B ≠ 0, find the value of the algebraic expression a / B-B / A 2. In a 10 cm diameter and 25 cm high cylindrical iron barrel with 20 cm depth of water, ask: how many liters will the water level rise in the barrel when the cube stone with a length of 5cm is put into the iron bucket? (π is taken as 3.14, and the result is kept to one decimal place) 3. There is a barge with a carrying capacity of 800t and a capacity of 795m3. Now it is carrying pig iron and cotton. Pig iron is 0.3m3/t and cotton is 4m3/t. How many tons of pig iron and cotton can we make full use of the ship's load and capacity? 4. Fill a measuring cylinder with a diameter of 3cm and a height of 22cm, and then pour the water in the cylinder into a beaker with a diameter of 7cm and a height of 9cm. Can it be completely filled? If not, how high is the water left in the cylinder? If it can, calculate the height of the water surface in the cup Solutions of one variable linear equation-

1. Take x = 2 into the formula, get: 3A = 4B. Then we can get a ratio: A / b = 3:4. Then, the formula - A / B-B / A is transformed into: (a + b) (a-b) / AB, and the numerical value: a = 3, B = 4, we get - 7 / 12
2. The idea of this problem is to calculate the volume of water in the bucket, then calculate the volume of cube, and then add to get the total volume (after the cube is immersed in water), and then divide by the area of the cylindrical bucket, the total height of the cube immersed in water can be obtained. The answer is 21.5923567, then the water level will rise by 1.5923567, and the specific value is 2cm
3. This problem is like this: first find out the density of iron and cotton, and then use the quadratic equation of one variable, that is to take the limit method, to find the answer. I will not paste the answer, because I do not know the density of cotton
4. Simple, it's the volume of water in the measuring cylinder, and then calculate the volume of the beaker. After that, you can do it! The answer is: it can hold it, and the height of the water surface is about 5cm

Shaoxing County is a big textile county. There is a textile factory in Huashe street. In order to obtain higher textile added value profit, the factory has signed a garment making contract with foreign businessmen. It is known that each person can weave 40 meters or 10 pieces of clothing every day, and each garment can use 2 meters of cloth. If the cloth is sold directly, the profit per meter will be 3 yuan; after the clothing is made, the profit will be 25 yuan, If each worker can only do one job and ignore other factors, X workers are arranged to make clothes The profit of one day's clothing making is () yuan (expressed by the algebra of x)? (2) Is the profit of surplus cloth in a day () yuan (expressed in the algebra of x)? (3) How many workers should be arranged to make clothes and weave cloth in order to make a daily profit of 16200 yuan? It's better to have a thinking process

(1) The profit of one day's garment making is (10 * 25 * x = 250x) yuan (expressed by the algebra of x) (2) the profit of surplus cloth in one day is ([(100-x) * 40-10x * 2] * 3 = 12000-180x) yuan (expressed by the algebra of x) (3) 250x + 12000-180x = 16200x = (16200-12000) / (250-180)

A worker plans to process several parts. If he processes 5 parts per hour, he will finish it within the specified time. When he finishes processing 10 parts and adopts new technology, the work efficiency is improved by 60%. In this way, he completes the task 3 hours in advance and exceeds 6 parts. How many parts did he plan to make? How many hours did he plan to finish the task?

If the original plan is to make x parts, the time required before adopting the new process is x / 5 hours
10/5 + (X-10+6) / 5(1+60%) =X/5 -3
2 + (X-4)/8= X/5 -3
Solution: x = 60
So the original plan was to make 60 parts and X / 5 = 12 hours to complete the task

The altitude of point a under the coal mine is - 174.8 meters, and the known horizontal distance from a to B is 120 meters, and it rises 0.4 meters every 10 meters. It is known that point B is above point A. (1) calculate the altitude of B; (2) if the altitude of point C is - 68.8 meters, it takes 30 seconds for each vertical increase of 10 meters to calculate the time from a to C

(1) Find the altitude of point B;
(2) If point C is directly above point a and the altitude is - 68.8m, it takes 30s for every 10m vertical rise to calculate the time taken from point a to point C

Math problem of grade one (only one) If the value of (2x 2 + ax-y + 6) - (2bx-3x + 5y-1) has nothing to do with the value taken by the letter X, find the value of the following algebraic formula: 1 / 3A? - 2b? - (1 / 4A? - 3B?) (Note: you must write the process, don't copy from other websites! Don't make random questions, I want the correct answer) If the value of (2x? 2 + ax-y + 6) - (2bx? - 3x + 5y-1) has nothing to do with the value of the letter X, find the value of the following algebraic formula: 1 / 3A? - 2b? - (1 / 4A? - 3B?) abx²

It's independent of X, so 1-B = 0, and a + 3 = 0
So, a = - 3, B = 1
= -1.25

Observe the following: 1×2=1 3(1×2×3-0×1×2); 2×3=1 3(2×3×4-1×2×3); 3×4=1 3(3×4×5-2×3×4); Calculation: 3 × (1 × 2 + 2 × 3 + 3 × 4 + +99×100+100×101)=______ .

3×(1×2+2×3+3×4+… +99×100+100×101),
So the answer is: 100 × 101 × 102

PEP grade 6 Volume 2 Lesson 14 the little girl selling matches after class

The little match girl
The first time, she saw a warm stove; the second time, she saw a fragrant roast goose; the third time, she saw a beautiful Christmas tree; the fourth and the fifth time, she saw a kind grandmother, She longed for happiness, food, warmth, joy and love. She felt the author's deep sympathy for the poor people at that time and her strong dissatisfaction with the social reality of the great disparity between the rich and the poor
Tip: it's the little girl. She died in the beautiful illusion. As long as the little girl lives in this world, there is only cold, hunger and pain
No one knows what beautiful things she has seen, how happy she has been to follow her grandmother to the happiness of the new year
The first happiness refers to that the little girl spent her life in a wonderful illusion before she died. The second happiness means that the little girl will be completely happy when she dies without cold, hunger and pain. It expresses the author's deep sympathy for the poor people and strong dissatisfaction with the society at that time, and exposes the darkness of the society at that time

About the little match girl after class After reading Liu Qianqian's "you don't ask, why is this?" 1. What's your feeling? 2. Copy a few sentences of this poem

What's your feeling?
This poem expresses the author's sympathy for the poor little girl after reading the match girl. He wants to give her a piece of cake, wear cotton padded clothes and listen to the record with her
As long as we do a little thing within our power, we can send love and warmth to others. The world needs everyone's care, and people should also be full of love. As long as we all contribute a love to the society, our world will become more beautiful
My father gave me two apples (food),
I left one quietly
Don't ask, what's this for?
My mother gave me a scarf,
I must not break it
Don't ask, what's this for?
My uncle gave me two fireworks,
I never let it go
Don't ask, what's this for?
At night, I put them by the head of the bed,
Let the dream fly out of my bed
Don't ask, what's this for?
I'll give her bread,
Put a scarf around her neck,
Let off fireworks with her
Do you want to know who she is?
Please ask grandfather Andersen-------
She is the little match girl
(others can be changed according to the situation.)
I hope you can accept it~~~~~~~~~~~

Primary school grade 6 (PEP) 14 lesson "the little match girl" after class exercise 2 What descriptions in the text move you most? Why?

No one knows. Go to the happiness of the new year. My experience: there are two "once" and two "happiness". The "once" refers to the fantasy produced after lighting a match. The former "happiness" refers to the little girl's death in a beautiful fantasy; the latter "happiness" refers to the little girl's death, there is no cold