Define an operation < >, a < B = a ^ 2-AB + A-1, and find the sum of the values of 3 <> 6 and (1 < 3) < > (- 3). Why sign? Understand the process,

Define an operation < >, a < B = a ^ 2-AB + A-1, and find the sum of the values of 3 <> 6 and (1 < 3) < > (- 3). Why sign? Understand the process,

(1< >3)< >(-3)

Define the meaning of an operation symbol △ a, a △ B = AB-1, find the values of 2 △ (- 3), 2 △ {(- 3) - 5}, thank you,

2 and - 3 can be regarded as a and B, 2 △ (- 3) = 2 * (- 3) - 1 = - 7; 2 △{(- 3) - 5}

The meaning of an operation symbol △ is defined: a △ B = AB-1, then the value of 2 △ [(- 3) - 5] is______ .

So the answer is: - 17

The meaning of the symbol "*" is a * b = ab of A-B, and the value of 2 * (- 3) * 4 is calculated

The answer is (1). 2 * (- 3) / 2 - (- 3) = - 1.2 (2) - 1.2 * 4 / - 1.2-4 = 12 / 13
The final answer is 12 / 13

If the meaning of "$" is a $B = ab of a + B, find the value of 2 $(- 3) $4

= 2*(-3)/(2+(-3)) $ 4
= 6 $ 4
= 6*4/(6+4)
= 2.4

If the meaning of the symbol "ා" is a + B of AB, try to find the value of 2# (- 3) ා4


The law of multiplying quotient

The power of the power law: the power of the power, the base unchanged, exponential multiplication
Multiplication of powers with the same base, constant base, exponential addition
The division rule of the same base power: the base number is unchanged, and the exponent is subtracted

Rational power: (process) 1, - 2 to the fourth power * (- 2) to the fourth power * (- 1 / 2) to the eighth power=

1. - 2 to the fourth power * (- 2) to the fourth power * (- 1 / 2) to the eighth power
=-The 8th power of 2 * the 8th power of (1 / 2)
=-The eighth power of (2 × 1 / 2)

Is this symbol the power of the power? This is it^

Yes, for example, 2 ^ 2 is the square of 2

Product is multiplication or division; quotient is multiplication or division

Product is multiplication, quotient is division