Is it fifty-five or fifty-four sixty-one?

Is it fifty-five or fifty-four sixty-one?

Fifty four sixty one

61 + 62 + 63 + 64 + 65 + 66 + 67 + 68 = how much × how much

Gauss summation is (61 + 68) * 4 = 129 * 4

20 data if divided into five groups, then the frequency of 64.66.5

Among the 20 data, 66,65,65,66,66,66,65,65
There are 8 in total, so the frequency of 64.66.5 is: 8 △ 20 = 0.4

It is known that a sample contains 17, 68, 69, 70, 66, 68, 65, 64, 65, 69, 62, 67, 63, 65, 64, 61, 65, 66. In the frequency distribution table, if the group spacing is 2, how many groups should be divided? What are the frequencies of the group 64.5-66.5?

The frequency of five groups is 6




=(62-61) + …… +(100 - 99)
= 1 + 1 +…… +1
There are: (100 - 62) / 2 + 1 = 20 numbers
So the answer is 20

A question about VB! Calculate the factorial 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 Here is my own code Private Sub Command1_ Click() n = 1 s = 1 Do While n < 5 For i = 1 To n s = s * i Next i m = m + 1 / s n = n + 1 Loop Print m End Sub But the answer is not the same as that calculated by the computer. This one is 1.5868····· The difference is a little big

Put s = 1 into do while n

VB: calculate the values of y = (5! + 7!) / 8! And S = 1! + 2! +... + 10! Respectively on different forms. It is required to define the function procedure of factorial in the standard module

On form1:
Private Sub Form_ Click()
f = 1
For i = 1 To 8
f = f * i
If i = 5 Then a = f
If i = 7 Then b = f
Next i
y = (a + b) / f
Print "y=(5!+7!)/8!=" & y
End Sub
On form2:
Private Sub Form_ Click()
f = 1
For i = 1 To 10
For j = 1 To i
f = f * j
Next j
s = s + f
Next i
Print "s=1!+2!+…… +10!=" & s
End Sub

1. Write a factorial function fac, input a positive integer from the keyboard in the main function, call the factorial function fac to calculate the factorial and output the calculation results

Is it in C language? I use recursive call to help you write a ා include void main() {int fac (int n); int a; float B; prinf ("input an integer number:") scanf (% D, & A) B = fac (a) prinf (% d! =% 10.0f / N ", a, b)} int fac (int n) {float f; if (n

Write a program, input positive integer n, calculate its factorial n!

Input "please enter a positive integer"; n
Please accept if you are satisfied