Reduction root sign 3tan10 + 4sin10

Reduction root sign 3tan10 + 4sin10

Original formula = 2 / cos10 (radical 3 / 2sin10 + sin20)

If x is less than 0, reduce the absolute value of the square -x of X under the root sign

Simplify the absolute value of the square of X under the root sign
x<0 x-1<0
The above formula = √ x (x-1)

Function y = 3 In X + 2, the value range of the independent variable x is______ .

According to the meaning of the question: x + 2 > 0, x > - 2

1. In the function y = 3x square + 2x-1, the value range of the independent variable x is () 2. In the function y = root x, the value range of the independent variable x is ()


Write the value range of the independent variable x in X-1 3x under the function y = 2-radical

3x / (x-1) ≥ 0 ﹥ x > 1 or X ≤ 0

Find the definition domain of the absolute value of X-1 divided by X + 1 and the absolute value of X-1 under the cubic root sign

Y is equal to the absolute value of X-1 divided by X + 1 under the third root sign,
X + 1 is not equal to 0
X is not equal to - 1
Absolute value of y = X-1
X is all real numbers

The absolute value of x plus 3 plus the root sign 3 minus 2Y equals 0, and the value of x plus 2 y is 0

From the meaning of the title, x plus 3 equals zero, the root three minus 2Y equals zero, so x equals - 3 and Y equals three-thirds

If the radical X-1 + the absolute value Y-3 = 0, what is the root x * the radical XY / the radical 2Y equal to

∵ radical X-1 + absolute Y-3 = 0
So X-1 = 0 and Y-3 = 0, that is, x = 1 and y = 3
SO 2 times the root number x * the root number XY / the root number 2Y = 2 root number 1 × root number (1 × 3) / root number (2 × 3)
=2 × 1 × root 3 / root 6
=2 root sign [3 / 6]
=2 root marks (1 / 2)
=2 roots (2 / 4)
=2 (radical 2) / 2
=Radical 2

If the root x + 3 / 3 absolute value x square - 9 + 3 root sign x + 2Y = 0, try to find the value of XY

Root x + 3 absolute value x square - 9 + 3 root sign x + 2Y = 0
Root x + 3 / 3 absolute value (x + 3) (x-3) + 3 root sign (x + 2Y) = 0
Root number x-3 + 3 root sign (x + 2Y) = 0
X-3 = 0 and X + 2Y = 0
X = 3, y = - 1.5

Given that 5 under the 2-radical sign is a heel of the quadratic equation x05-4x + C = 0, then the other root of the equation is () Ask for answers

The sum of the two is 4, and the other is 2 - √ 5
The other is 4 - (2 - √ 5) = 2 + √ 5