Without changing the values of fractions, the coefficients of the highest order terms of the numerator and denominator of the following fractions are turned into positive numbers, and the numerator and denominator are arranged in descending power 1.1-a in 3A? - 1.2.1 + 2x? In x-x? 3. - 2x + 1 in - 1 + 2x-x? 4.1-a-a? In - a? 2 + A-1

Without changing the values of fractions, the coefficients of the highest order terms of the numerator and denominator of the following fractions are turned into positive numbers, and the numerator and denominator are arranged in descending power 1.1-a in 3A? - 1.2.1 + 2x? In x-x? 3. - 2x + 1 in - 1 + 2x-x? 4.1-a-a? In - a? 2 + A-1

1. The original formula = -- (3a ^ 2 -- 1) / (a -- 1)
2. The original formula = -- (x ^ 2 -- x) / (1 + 2x ^ 2)
3. The original formula = (x ^ 2 -- 2x + 1) / (2x -- 1)
4. The original formula = (a ^ 2 -- A + 1) / (a ^ 2 + a -- 1)

Fraction 1, (x? + x) / (x? - 1) 2, (x? - 9) / (x? - 6x + 9) 1. (x square + x) / (x square - 1) 2, (x square - 9) / (x square - 6x + 9) urgent!

1. (x? + x) / (x? - 1) = x (x + 1) / (x + 1) (x-1) = x / (x-1) 2, (x? - 9) / (x? - 6x + 9) = [(x + 3) (x-3)] / (x-3) square

If the value of fraction x + 2x of 2 and - 1 is positive, negative or zero, then find the value range of X respectively, and the formula of those inequalities should be listed in detail

2X / x + 2-1 > 0 X-2 / x + 2 > 0 x > 2 or X

Let's simplify x plus 1 / 1 minus the square of x minus 1 / 1 divided by the square of x minus 2x plus 1 / 1 Then bring your favorite value in

The first floor was miscalculated
1/(x+1) - 1/(x²-1) ÷ (x+1)/(x²-2x+1)
=1/(x+1) - 1/(x+1)(x-1) × (x-1)(x-1)/(x+1)
=1/(x+1) - (x-1)/(x+1)²
=[ (x+1)-(x-1) ] /(x+1)²

When x, the square of fraction 2X-4 / 1 + X is negative Hurry!

The value of (2X-4) / (1 + X?) is negative

If the fraction | x − 2 | 1 is known If the value of x2 − 6x + 9 is 0, then the value of X-2 is () A. 1 9 or - 1 B. 1 9 or 1 C. -1 D. 1

From the meaning of the title: | X-2 - 1 = 0, and x2-6x + 9 ≠ 0,
X = 1,
Therefore, D

When x =? The fraction x + 3 / x? Is greater than 0

Greater than negative 3 and not equal to 0

When x = x, the fraction x ^ 2-1 / (x + 5) (x-3) is meaningless

When x = - 5 or x = 3, the fraction x ^ 2-1 / (x + 5) (x-3) is meaningless

If the value of fraction 3x + 6x square - 5x-6 is 0, then the value of X is (6x ^ 2-5x-6) / (3x + 2) = (2x-3) (3x + 2) / (3x + 2) = 2x-3 = 0, x = 3 / 2 (2x-3) (3x + 2)

Factorization, cross multiplication
2 -3

If fraction x − 1 If the value of 3x2 is positive, then () A. x>0 B. x<0 C. x>1 D. x<1

∵ fraction x − 1
The value of 3x2 is positive,
Then the same numerator and denominator is positive or negative at the same time,
/ / it is impossible to be negative at the same time,
Then it is negative at the same time, that is, X-1 > 0, 3x2 > 0,
Therefore, C