Given Tan (45 degrees + x) = 2, find the value of TaNx, sin2x + sin ^ 2 + cos ^ 2 As above

Given Tan (45 degrees + x) = 2, find the value of TaNx, sin2x + sin ^ 2 + cos ^ 2 As above

Tan (45 degrees + x) = (tan45 + TaNx) / (1-tan45tanx) = 2
Sin2x + sin ^ 2 + cos ^ 2 was not expressed clearly?

Find the parity of y = (Tan square x-tanx) / (1-tanx)

Y = (Tan squarex TaNx) / (1-tanx)
∵ TaNx is an odd function
ν y = (Tan squarex TaNx) / (1-tanx) is also an odd function

Find the inverse function y = 3x + 1, and you'd better tell me how to draw their images

The inverse function is: y of the original function is x of the inverse function
So x = 3Y + 1
Finishing y = (x-1) / 3
According to the symmetry of inverse function and original function about y = x, it is easy to draw
If you don't understand,

Seeking parabola formula Find parabola vertex formula, central line formula

The quadratic function y = ax ^ 2 + BX + C (a is not equal to 0) can be transformed into y = a (x + B / 2a) ^ 2 + (4ac-b ^ 2) / 4A
When x = - B / 2a, y gets the maximum value (4ac-b ^ 2) / 4A, so the vertex formula is [- B / 2a, (4ac-b ^ 2) / 4A]
The quadratic function is symmetric about x = - B / 2a, so the median line is - B / 2A

On the horizontal ground, a board with mass of 4 kg and length of L = 2 m, under the action of horizontal tension of F = 8 N, moves to the right at a speed of 2 m / s at a constant speed. At a certain moment, the block with mass of 1 kg (the object block can be regarded as a particle) is lightly placed on the rightmost end of the board (1) If there is no friction between the wood block and the board, find the time required for the object block to leave the board; (2) If there is friction between the object block and the board, and the dynamic friction coefficient between the object block and the board is equal to the dynamic friction coefficient between the board and the ground, how long does the board stop moving after the object block is placed on the board Big brother, is this the circular motion of the celestial body? It's not reliable

(1) If the friction coefficient between the board and the ground is u, so f = MGU = f, u = 0.2 because a block is placed, the friction force F '= (M + m) Gu, so the wood block will make a uniform deceleration motion with the acceleration a, and the time used is t, so v0t-1 / 2at2 = l can be solved by itself. (2) friction becomes: block to wood

The rated power of an electrical appliance is 8 watts, and the rated voltage of the appliance is less than 10 v. now, the appliance is connected in series with a resistance box under the voltage of 12 v. when the resistance value of the resistance box is 16 Ω, the electric power of the electric appliance is 0.25 times of its rated power, and its rated voltage is calculated

If the current is I and the voltage at both ends of the electrical appliance is u, then the voltage at both ends of the resistance box is 12-u. the current of the series circuit is equal, with (12-u) / 16 = 8 * 0.25/u, and u = 4 or u = 8, then the resistance of the appliance is 8 or 32. According to the known conditions, the rated voltage can be 8V

The value of arctan (3 / 4)


Inverse trigonometric function table What are the angles where the sine equals 0.75 and 0.525, respectively,

Arc sin 0.75 = 48 degrees 36 points = 48.6 degrees
Arc sin 0.525 = 31 degrees 40 points = 31.6667 degrees

Arctg calculation angle In the foundation of electrical engineering, the phasor representation of sinusoidal alternating current is discussed, angle = arctg B / A This can calculate an angle, such as angle = arctg 59.4/100 = 32 degrees How is this value calculated? Please explain how to calculate in detail, or where to find this table,

Arctg (also called arctan) is simply the inverse operation of TG, that is, TG 32 ° = 59.4 / 100, arctg 59.4 / 100 = 32 ° and sin and arcsin COS and a

Annuity terminal value calculation formula What is the meaning of the comma in brackets in F = a (F / A, I, n) and how to calculate it? For example, if f = 18 * (F / A, 10%, 10) = 18 * 15.937 = 286.87, how to calculate 15.937

The comma acts as a barrier
I represents the interest rate, n represents the number of periods, and (F / A, I, n) can be obtained by looking up the annuity present value coefficient table
Given the annuity a, it can be calculated according to the formula
937 is obtained by looking up the annuity terminal value coefficient table, not calculated. There are attached tables behind the financial management textbooks. The number of periods N and interest rate I can be found