Effect of Carbon Content on Room Temperature Equilibrium Microstructure of Fe-C Alloy

Effect of Carbon Content on Room Temperature Equilibrium Microstructure of Fe-C Alloy

With the increase of carbon content, the equilibrium microstructure of Fe-C alloy at room temperature changes in the following order:
Ferrite - ferrite + tertiary cementite - ferrite + pearlite - pearlite - pearlite + secondary cementite - pearlite + secondary cementite + low temperature lainite - low temperature lainite - low temperature lainite + primary carbide.

With the increase of carbon content, the equilibrium microstructure at room temperature changes in the following order:
Ferrite - ferrite + tertiary cementite - ferrite + pearlite - pearlite - pearlite + secondary cementite - pearlite + secondary cementite + low temperature lainite - low temperature lainite - low temperature lainite + primary carbide.

How to Calculate Carbon Content in Steel E.g. calculation of carbon content in steels containing 85% pearlite and 15% ferrite

The carbon content in steel is detected and tested, not calculated!

The carbon content in the steel is and tested, not calculated!