If two parts of carbon with the same mass react with O2 as follows: C+O2 ignition ==CO2,2C+O2 ignition ==2CO, then the mass ratio of consumed O2 is ———— If two parts of the same carbon by mass react with O2 as follows: C+O2 ignition ==CO2,2C+O2 ignition ==2CO, then the mass ratio of consumed O2 is ————

If two parts of carbon with the same mass react with O2 as follows: C+O2 ignition ==CO2,2C+O2 ignition ==2CO, then the mass ratio of consumed O2 is ———— If two parts of the same carbon by mass react with O2 as follows: C+O2 ignition ==CO2,2C+O2 ignition ==2CO, then the mass ratio of consumed O2 is ————

Because if the coefficient of C in both reactions is 1, the coefficients of O2 are 1 and 1/2
It's a 2:1 relationship.

What does MnO2 react with to form O2 MnO2 as a reactant, not a catalyst, what is the chemical equation for heating and not heating

O2 can be released by boiling MnO2 in hot sulfuric acid solution or by standing for a long time


The decomposition temperature is above 535°C, the decomposition product is very complex, and there are Mn3O4 and other composite oxides.

No heating. I don't think I' ve seen O2.

O2 can be released by boiling MnO2 in hot sulfuric acid solution or by standing for a long time


The decomposition temperature is above 535°C, the decomposition product is very complex, and there are Mn3O4 and other complex oxides.

No heating. I don't think I' ve seen O2.