Electrolytic water oxygen and hydrogen generation instructions: A, this is a chemical change. B This is a physical change. C Water contains oxygen and hydrogen D Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen Specification of oxygen and hydrogen generated from electrolytic water: A, this is a chemical change. B This is a physical change. C Water contains oxygen and hydrogen D Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen

Electrolytic water oxygen and hydrogen generation instructions: A, this is a chemical change. B This is a physical change. C Water contains oxygen and hydrogen D Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen Specification of oxygen and hydrogen generated from electrolytic water: A, this is a chemical change. B This is a physical change. C Water contains oxygen and hydrogen D Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen

A The formation of new substances is a chemical change
B error
C Water is free of oxygen and hydrogen, oxygen and hydrogen
D pair
Select D

A New material formation is a chemical change
B error
C There is no oxygen and no hydrogen in the water.
D pair
Select D

A New material formation is a chemical change
B error
C Water is free of oxygen and hydrogen, oxygen and hydrogen
D pair
Select D

1 What is renewable or clean energy? What are three ways to convert solar energy? 3 Solar cells convert solar energy 1 What is renewable or clean energy? 2 What are three ways to convert solar energy? 3 Solar cells convert solar energy

Clean energy is non - pollutant - emitting energy, including nuclear power plants and renewable energy.
Clean energy includes solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, marine energy, hydrogen energy, hydropower, nuclear energy, new energy vehicles, biomass energy, natural gas hydrate, etc.
Solar energy is widely used and can be divided into three categories:
Solar thermal utilization, solar photovoltaic power generation, solar photochemical.
Solar energy can be used in many ways, such as solar room, solar drying, solar dehumidification, solar air conditioning system, solar thermal power generation, solar desalination, etc. The most typical application is solar water heater;
Solar photovoltaic, is the use of solar cells, direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy.
Solar photochemistry, mimics the organic synthesis of leaves.