Reaction equation of ethylene propylene and chlorine gas.

Reaction equation of ethylene propylene and chlorine gas.

Ethylene: CH2=CH2+Cl2== CH2ClCH2Cl
Propylene: CH3CH2=CH2+Cl2== CH3CH2ClCH2Cl
Polymerization: CH2=CH2+CH3CH2=CH2===--[-- CH2-CH2-CH2-CH --]-- n


Ethylene: CH2=CH2+Cl2=== CH2ClCH2Cl
Propylene: CH3CH2=CH2+Cl2== CH3CH2ClCH2Cl
Polymerization: CH2=CH2+CH3CH2=CH2===--[-- CH2-CH2-CH2-CH --]-- n


The ethylene-polymerization equation is clearly written.

N CH2=CH2-catalyst→-[-CH2-CH2-]-n
The carbon - carbon double bond is broken and polymerized to polyethylene.

N CH2=CH2-catalyst→-[-CH2-CH2-]-n
Carbon - carbon double bond fracture polymerization to form polyethylene.

N CH2=CH2-catalyst→-[-CH2-CH2-]-n
Carbon - carbon double bond fracture polymerization to polyethylene.