The basis for selecting different generating devices for hydrogen peroxide oxygen production and potassium permanganate oxygen production is __________,________. The advantages of hydrogen peroxide oxygen production compared with heating potassium permanganate oxygen production are __________;________. Dry ice can be used for artificial rainfall, as refrigerant, the principle is ____________,__________. The basis for selecting different generating devices for hydrogen peroxide oxygen production and potassium permanganate oxygen production is __________,________. Compared with heating potassium permanganate oxygen production heating potassium permanganate oxygen production are __________;________. Dry ice can be used for artificial rainfall, as refrigerant, the principle is ____________,__________.

The basis for selecting different generating devices for hydrogen peroxide oxygen production and potassium permanganate oxygen production is __________,________. The advantages of hydrogen peroxide oxygen production compared with heating potassium permanganate oxygen production are __________;________. Dry ice can be used for artificial rainfall, as refrigerant, the principle is ____________,__________. The basis for selecting different generating devices for hydrogen peroxide oxygen production and potassium permanganate oxygen production is __________,________. Compared with heating potassium permanganate oxygen production heating potassium permanganate oxygen production are __________;________. Dry ice can be used for artificial rainfall, as refrigerant, the principle is ____________,__________.

The basis for selecting different generating devices for producing oxygen from hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate is (reactant state) and (reaction condition). Compared with heating device for producing oxygen from potassium permanganate, the advantages of hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate are (no heating is required and energy is saved) and (they can be switched on and off at the same time).
Dry ice can be used for artificial rainfall and as a refrigerant. Its principle is (when it becomes a gas, it can absorb a large amount of heat and make water vapor condense into liquid water due to temperature reduction),(when it becomes a gas, it can absorb a large amount of heat and make temperature decrease).

IONIC EQUATION OF REACTION OF Ca (HCO3)2 WITH EXCESS Ca (OH)2 SOLUTION Why can't it be Ca2++ HCO3-+2 OH -========= CaCO3(precipitation symbol)+ CO32-+2HO2?

Ca (2+)+HCO3-+OH-=CaCO3 precipitation +H2O
Ps: if you're like that, there's still Ca (2+) left, and it continues to reflect the formation of CaCO3