Three times the root number 49 I through the calculator calculation found that it is a finite non-recurring decimal, not irrational number ah! Record the number that the calculator has calculated the root number 49 three times, bring it back in for calculation. Multiply it by the third power and it equals 9. Then isn't the root number 49 three times a rational number? Three times the root number 49 I found by calculator calculation it is a finite non-recurring decimal, not irrational number ah! Record the number that the calculator calculates the root number 49 three times and bring it back in for calculation. Multiply it by the third power and it equals 9. Then isn't the root number 49 three times a rational number?

Three times the root number 49 I through the calculator calculation found that it is a finite non-recurring decimal, not irrational number ah! Record the number that the calculator has calculated the root number 49 three times, bring it back in for calculation. Multiply it by the third power and it equals 9. Then isn't the root number 49 three times a rational number? Three times the root number 49 I found by calculator calculation it is a finite non-recurring decimal, not irrational number ah! Record the number that the calculator calculates the root number 49 three times and bring it back in for calculation. Multiply it by the third power and it equals 9. Then isn't the root number 49 three times a rational number?

You can use the computer: start - program - accessories - calculator, choose "view" menu "scientific type ". Enter "4","9"," x^y ","(","1","/","3",")","=", three times the root number 49, the value is 3.6593057100229715172380733101194(of course this is only an approximate value). Then enter this finite decimal, calculate its third power 48.9999999999999999999999999999984.
So what you're saying is that the calculator shows a limited number of decimal places that are automatically rounded

Read the text below to answer the questions. Everybody knows. 2 Is an irrational number, and an irrational number is an infinite non-recurring decimal, so We couldn't write down all the decimal parts of 2, so Xiao Ming used 2-1 2, Do you agree with Xiao Ming's representation? In fact, Xiao Ming's expression is reasonable because The integer part of 2 is 1. Subtract the integer part of 2. The difference is the decimal part. Answer: known 10+ 3=X+y, where x is an integer and 0< y <1, find the opposite number of x-y.

Y =10+
Inverse number of x-y