The product of two irrational numbers is a rational number.

The product of two irrational numbers is a rational number.


How to judge irrational number and rational number? And the number under the root! By way of example, what are rational and irrational numbers? Also, let's take an example. What's the next big number to drive him out? For example, if the root number is 100, you can take 100 as 10 times 10, and drive it out as 10. I can even see this at a glance. But what I can't see is that the numbers are too big and complicated. If I ca n' t divide them into two, I won't. I' m so confused. This has always been confusing!

The real number of infinite non-cyclic is irrational
Infinite circular decimals are rational because they can be reduced to fractions
A finite decimal is also a rational number
Short cut?
Is similar to the product of prime numbers in elementary school
It's just a product of several squares.
Available in √4 4 66=4 66
It's that simple.

A real number that is infinitely uncirculated is an irrational number
Infinite circular decimals are rational because they can be reduced to fractions
Limited decimals are also rational
Short cut?
It's like the product of prime numbers in elementary school.
It's just a product of several squares.
Available in √4 4 66=4 66
It's that simple.