The absolute value of a number a is the distance from the point on the number axis representing a to ___, which can be expressed as ___

The absolute value of a number a is the distance from the point on the number axis representing a to ___, which can be expressed as ___

The absolute value of a number a is the distance from the point representing a on the number axis to the origin (zero point), which can be expressed as |a|

The absolute value of a number a is the distance from the point on the number axis representing a to the origin (zero point), which can be expressed as |a|

2011 Power of 2.5 multiplied by 2012 power of -0.4

2011 Power of 2.5 multiplied by 2012 power of -0.4
=2.5 2011 Power ×0.4×0.4 2011 power
=(2.5×0.4) Power of 2011×0.4
=2011 Power of 1×0.4

2011 Power of 2.5 multiplied by 2012 power of -0.4
=2.5 Power for 2011×0.4×0.4 power for 2011
=(2.5×0.4) Power of 2011×0.4
=2011 Power of 1×0.4