The point on the number axis representing the number A to the origin of ___ is called the absolute value of number A. Junior high school math problem The point on the number axis representing the number A to the origin is called the absolute value of the number A, denoted by ____. For example, the point on the number axis representing 3 to the origin is 3, so the absolute value of 3 is ___, denoted by ___, and the point on the negative 3 to the origin is ___, so the absolute value of negative 3 is ____, denoted by ____.

The point on the number axis representing the number A to the origin of ___ is called the absolute value of number A. Junior high school math problem The point on the number axis representing the number A to the origin is called the absolute value of the number A, denoted by ____. For example, the point on the number axis representing 3 to the origin is 3, so the absolute value of 3 is ___, denoted by ___, and the point on the negative 3 to the origin is ___, so the absolute value of negative 3 is ____, denoted by ____.


Multiply the 2011 power of 8 by the 2012 power of 0.25 equals Is the 2012 power of 8