What is the single digit of the 99th power of 3 multiplied by the 100th power of 5 multiplied by the 101th power of 7? Single digit! What is the single digit of the 99th power of 3 multiplied by the 100th power of 5 multiplied by the 101st power of 7? Single digit!

What is the single digit of the 99th power of 3 multiplied by the 100th power of 5 multiplied by the 101th power of 7? Single digit! What is the single digit of the 99th power of 3 multiplied by the 100th power of 5 multiplied by the 101st power of 7? Single digit!

The number of digits of 1,2,3,4... power of 3 is 3,9,7,1 cycle, so the number of digits of 99th power of 3 is 75, and the number of digits of 1,2,3,4... power of 3 is 57, the number of digits of 1,2,3,4... power of 3 is 7,9,3,1 cycle, so the number of digits of 101th power of 7 is 7, and the number of digits of 7*7*5 is 5.

The number of units of the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th... power of 3 is 3,9th,7th,1 cycle, so the number of units of the 99th power of 3 is 75, and the number of units of the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th... power of 3 is 57, the number of units of the 1st,2nd,3rd,1 cycle, so the number of units of the 101st power of 7 is 7, and the number of units of 7*7*5 is 5.

What is the 100th power of (-0.125) and the 101st power of (-8)? As above

100Th power of (-0.125)=(-2^-3)^100=2^-300
101Th power of (-8)=(-2^3)^101=-2^303