What is the 2010 power of the 2009 power*4 of minus one fourth? What is the 2010 power of the 2009 power *4 of minus 1?

What is the 2010 power of the 2009 power*4 of minus one fourth? What is the 2010 power of the 2009 power *4 of minus 1?

(-1/4)^2009 * 4^2010
=[(-1/4)*4]^2009 * 4
=[-1]^2009 * 4

The product of the 18th power of 3 multiplied by the 8th power of 1 minus 9th (by simple method) The product of the 18th power of 3 multiplied by the 8th power of 1 minus 9th (simple way) The product of the 18th power of 3 multiplied by the 8th power of 1 minus 9th.

3 To the 18th power multiplied by minus 9 to the 8th power
=3 To the 18th power ×(1/3) to the 16th power
=32×3 To the 16th power ×(1 in 3) to the 16th power
=9×(3×3/1) To the 16th power

3 To the 18th power multiplied by minus 9 to the 8th power
=3 To the 18th power ×(1 in 3) to the 16th power
=32×3 To the 16th power ×(1 in 3) to the 16th power
=9×(3×3/1) To the 16th power