The absolute value of a rational number is non-negative, i.e.|a| equals what?

The absolute value of a rational number is non-negative, i.e.|a| equals what?

Equal to a

As for absolute value, the correct number is ()1. The absolute value of a rational number must be greater than 0 2 3. The absolute value of a rational number is 3, and the absolute value of a rational number equal to 3 is -3. The absolute values of two numbers must be equal The absolute value of the reciprocal of 4-1/3 is -3

1.0 Is also a rational number, the absolute value equals 0, wrong
2. The absolute value of 3 is plus or minus 3, wrong
3. Two equal or opposite numbers, wrong
4. Absolute value is 3, wrong
So the correct number is 0.