The inverse of a negative number is larger than itself; the inverse of a positive number is smaller than itself; any rational number has an inverse; the inverse of the inverse of -1 is 1.

The inverse of a negative number is larger than itself; the inverse of a positive number is smaller than itself; any rational number has an inverse; the inverse of the inverse of -1 is 1.

The opposite of the reciprocal of -1 is 1.

If the b+4 power of the 5a power y of 2x is the same as the 1=2b power of -x, then what is the value of ab? If b+4 power of 5a power y of 2x and 1=2b power of -x are the same item, then what is the value of ab?

X and y equal
The second one doesn't have y, the number of times y is 0
So 5a=1+2b
B=-4, a=(1+2b)/5=-7/5
So ab=28/5