What is a real number?

What is a real number?

Is the general term for rational and irrational numbers

Classification of Rational Numbers in Grade One 1. Positive integer set package does not include 0? 2. Non-negative integer set package does not include negative fraction set? 3. Natural number includes 0? Is the cycle 4-1.3 negative? Classification of Rational Numbers in Grade One 1. Positive integer set package does not include 0? 2. Non-negative integer set package does not include negative fraction set? 3. Natural number includes 0? Is the cycle of 4-1.3 negative?

1. Exclude 0
0 Is not a positive number, nor a negative number.
2. Excluding.
A nonnegative integer is a positive integer, not a negative fraction.
3. The natural number includes 0.
4. Yes.
Infinite circular decimals are fractions.

1. Exclude 0
0 Is not a positive number, nor a negative number.
2. Excluding.
A nonnegative integer is a positive integer, excluding negative fractions.
3. The natural number includes 0.
4. Yes.
Infinite circular decimals are fractions.

1. Exclude 0
0 Is not a positive number, nor is it a negative number.
2. Excluding.
A nonnegative integer is a positive integer, not a negative fraction.
3. The natural number includes 0.
4. Yes.
Infinite cyclic decimals are fractions.