I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. Translate this sentence into Chinese

I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. Translate this sentence into Chinese

I think what the student wrote on the blackboard is wrong
The first that leads to the object clause
The second leading subject clause
The third refers to what the student wrote on the blackboard
The fourth guide modifies the attributive clause of the third that
The fifth is to modify the student, which means the student
P. S. this sentence is so fierce!

I thought that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong Explain the ingredients of that in detail. If you answer well, you will get 20 points

The first that is the demonstrative adjective "that", and the second "that" is a word

I think that that that that student write on the blackboard· I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong

I think that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong

I do not think that that that that that he writes on the blackboard is right is true Analyze the sentence

The first that is used as a guide, followed by a whole clause; the second that, as adv. to emphasize (this uncertainty); the third that, as adj. To describe the latter that; the fourth that, especially that he wrote on the blackboard; the last that, as the attributive clause guide of the previous that

How old is that girl?--I think she's t__ .


I think.That Girl is his good friend

I think that girl is his good friend

A kind of is that girl?__ is my sister.


Is that girl English

Yes, she is
No, she isn't
I wish you progress in your study and make progress

she is an honest girl who frankly__ that what she said was wrong admits permits promises agrees

She is an honest girl who frankly (admits) that what she said was wrong.
She is a very honest girl. She will confess her mistakes
Promises: promises
Admission: recognition
Permits: allow
Of these four words, only "admit" is right

Goldfish was easy to take care of.Goldfish is easy to take care of.

It should be taken care of
Goldfish was easy to be taken care of.